

  • Nick Name :Gulliver
  • age :59 years old
  • Career :engineer
  • nationality :Japan
  • hobby :Breeding of Japanese killifish. and the activity of decorating, building and making fixtures and repairs at home by oneself rather than employing a professional.
  • SNS account :hayabusa258@hayabusa2548466


  • Blog site name:学びの図書日記ch
  • Blog URL:
  • How I started blogging
    retired from the company I worked for before reaching retirement age, and when I was thinking about a hobby that I could continue with for a long time, I thought about blogging. Since he has always liked reading and writing documents (books, internet news, etc.), he decided to try it first rather than thinking about it, so he started it on his own under the guidance of a YouTube teacher. I did.
  • Purpose of continuing this blog
    Even after you quit your job, keep in touch with the news of the world and, honestly, keep your brain active from now on. I’m also looking forward to profits.

Blog content


As a miscellaneous blog, I provide easy-to-understand explanations about the specialized content of daily news articles that the general public may not understand, and I also write about things that are familiar to us derived from the news. We compile and distribute our research and explanations on our blog.

In short, it is a blog that stores various topics like a library.

Recommended articles

To be honest, I can’t really recommend any articles because I haven’t reached 100 articles yet, but I would like to expand my travel articles.

Future prospects/goals

Currently, I am a beginner in blogging and have started a miscellaneous blog as my main blog. In the future, I am thinking of doing this as a specialized blog. There are many topics that I’m interested in at that time, so I’ll narrow it down as I continue writing my miscellaneous blog. Next year, I would like to open a specialized blog.

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